Cmommon Knowledge

  1. Data pipeline has two types, streaming and batch. Steaming data pipeline is real time and bacth data pipeline is scheduled. Therefore, to update DAG, streaming pipeline needs to be switched off but batch does not need.
  2. Backfilling: process of running computation for dates in the past. Typically occurs when new workflows or existing ones are modified, there is a need to generate data for periods before the workflow is active or updated.
    • Reasons for backfilling: new workflow deployment, data pipeline modification, daa loss recovery or consistency across systems
    • Suppoese there is a DAG scheduled to run daily, start date is Jan 1st 2023, and deploy time is Jan 10th 2023. If catch_up is true, hen it will run 9 times in a row.


The DAG running time is based on the start_date and end_date. For example, if I set the DAG to be running every day at 5 am Toronto time. Then if I set catch up parameter to be false, and the start date to be 2024-07-24. Then if I switch on DAG on 7-24, the DAG will not start running immediately, it will start from start_date + schedule_interval which is 24 hours after -25 which is 7-25. Therefore, the job will start at 7-25 5am.

Sample Airflow structure

def create_dag(...):
globals()[dag_id] = create_dag(...)

default argument parameter

default_args = {
    'owner': ...,
    'project_id': ...,
    'depends_on_past': ...,
    'wait_for_downstream': ...,
    'start_date': ...,
    'end_date': ...,
  1. When depends_on_past is true for a task, it meas the task can only run if the prvious schedule succeeded. If a task fails in one run one any day, all ubsequent run of that task will beskipped until the failure is resolved.

  2. wait_for_downstream is similar to depends_on_past, but also requires all downstream tasks in the previous run was successful.

create DAG function

def create_dag(...):
    with models.DAG(dag_id,schedule_interval=...,tags=...,default_args=...,...,catctup=...) as dag:
        start_dag = bash_operator.BashOperator(...,dag=dag)
        end_dag = DummyOperator(...,dag=dag)
        sfdc_dag = DataflowTemplatedJobStartOperator(...,dag=dag)
        start_dag >> sfdc_dag >> end_dag
    return dag
  1. catchup parameter controls the backfilling process, if it is true airflow will attempt to run the DAG for all the intervals between DAG start date and current time (or other end date if specified) that haven’t been executed.
  2. Usage of dummy operator, check this post

  3. DataflowTemplatedJobStartOperator is used to create a dataflow template task.
    • In order to pass the schema JSON object, we need to pass the schema in DataflowTemplatedJobStartOperator. The schema needs to be passed as JSON string since the operator does not allow any other types to be passed.
    • impersonation_chain os used to specify the identity under which the GCP dataflow job should be executed.
     schema = {...}
         task_id = ...,
             "password": password,
             "schema": json.dumps(schema)


  1. If the DAG schedule is set to be 9:30 am UTC time once every day, then if I switch on the DAG at 12:30 pm, it will immediately starts since it thinks it is late for start.